The Legend of Magicli

Between heaven and earth, between life and dream, between past and future, in Alfheim there lives Li, an ever young Light-Elf Maiden, whose look is more gorgeous than the sun. One fine morning, she woke up at the crack of dawn, put on her dress made of rose petals, washed her face with fresh dew from a flower, and took up her daily pursuits – she inscribed some pages in the Sacrament Book, indited a couple of graceful sonnets, created several wizardly pieces for the Gods, played the magic flute… Everything seemed to be as it always had been, but since the early morning, some emotional sense, a foretaste of change, anticipation of a miracle had indwelt Li…
There came a night with its whispers and mysteries. In the darkness of the plushy sky, the thin golden Crescent and twinkling silver stars appeared… Wayworn of daytime affairs, Li dozed off and saw a dream: the Lord – Wayland the Smith – took her hand and led her to the Enchanted Forest. There were gold trees and silver bushes; meadow flowers were iridescent with all shades of rubies, sapphires, and topazes; brook splashes were immediately turning into diamonds. In the high aquamarine sky, the sirenic birds were moving in circles, and Li seemed to hear the augury in their chant… Tourmaline butterflies were alighting on her palms, trembling with their gentle wings, and Li felt like confiding them her heart’s desire… The narrow paths were tending to the lonely woods where Veelas inhabited in their ebony sheds, and the sorceresses, who went between the Upper and Lower Worlds, were ready to share their spiritual legacy with Li…
The overhead opaline clouds were raising up mysterious shapes luring by the puzzle of the Time Wheel magic pattern… In the bottom-lands, there was curling the unsubstantial pearly fog, and Li was under the impression that the ghostlike veil concealed all riddles of the Universe … On the lucent stones in the brook, the symbols of immemorial runes could be revealed… The lots of unbelievably beautiful colourful crystals were glittering, shining, fascinating… Li – with all her being – perceived the extraordinary magic power of the Forest, she could recognize its secret signs and symbols… ‘This is your world’, Wayland the Smith said. And Li felt her whole soul filling with sense of admiration, a certain mighty power came over her…
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Having snapped out of the reverie, Li realized that the dream was prophetic, and her true mission was to turn into reality the fairy images of the Enchanted Forest, to create the beauty, to produce the jewelry that not only enraptures humans, but carries a small part of Light Elf magic – it gives its wearers a peculiar charm, encompasses them with some miracle-working aegis, grants them joy and happiness… So come into the world the MagicLi wondrous jewels.